Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs (YHLB) background.... It is an evidenced-based recommended mind body approach to improving back health and function. The University of York (Department of Health Sciences) ran one of the largest yoga research trails, funded by Arthritis Research UK. Teachers from British Wheel of Yoga and IYA (UK) ran specialized 12 week YHLB courses in five areas of the UK. The positive results, showing it to be safe and effective, were published in the Annals of Internal Medicine ('Yoga for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Trial' H. Tilbrook, 2011). The Cost Evaluation paper in Spine Journal (LH Chuang, 2012) showed it to be cost-effective for the NHS, society and the workplace. A not for profit social enterprise allows more people to benefit from the YHLB program used in this randomized control trail.
YHLB is a single course giving you long term self management skills using the same yoga techniques, taught in the same way, according to the same educational materials, as in the research itself. The course is 12 x 75 minute weekly class course comprises of easy foundational yoga poses with weekly themes with support from me before, during and after the course. There is a Resources Pack containing a colour manual, a relaxation CD/download, practice work sheets and handouts.
This is a beginner friendly, gentle and effective course. The class numbers are kept small to ensure that individual attention can be provided as necessary.
I have been trained to deliver this course and am a member of the YHLB National Steering Group.
I hold the course regularly in Okehampton, if you are interested in joining us, please contact me for details of our next starting date or to put your name on the waiting list. Please be mindful that the course is more expensive than a general yoga class as it is a specialized therapeutic small group class.We
I absolutely love teaching this course and I am delighted to say that the huge improvements of those attending the latest course to the well being of their lower backs has been seen and felt yet again!
Some feedback comments from the question 'what is the best thing about this course and how has it affected you?'…. real improvement in lower back pain and less anxiety after yoga practice/relaxation the way it has been taught in a happy relaxing atmosphere I have the strategies to use when in pain simple everyday things to look after your back feel empowered to know what to do if in pain and how to prevent it
So if you or someone you know would like to be part of this growing band of people who have benefited from this innovative programme, then contact me to be added to the waiting list for the next course. Numbers are kept small to ensure personal attention.
I regularly run a specialised 12-week course of Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs based on one of the largest yoga research studies to date, conducted by The University of York and funded by Arthritis Research UK.
Back discomfort is a common problem and over 80% of us will experience back pain at some point in our lives. This gentle, evidence-based, specially-modified yoga course is an effective and innovative way to improve back health and function. The course is designed to teach you the skills to improve health and well-being through a process of self-management techniques.
This Yoga course is suitable for everyone regardless of age, size, weight, gender as long as you can get up and down to a mat even if you need the assistance of a chair, you will be able to reap the short and long-term benefits from the exercises learnt. Whatever your occupation or what you do in your leisure time, whether you have a non-specific chronic or recurring lower back pain problem or would like to know what to do if you do have occasional back pain, by taking part in the course you can learn the clinically proven tools to improve and maintain a healthy lower back. You do not need any previous Yoga experience
The course comprises of 12 x 1 ¼ hrs small group sessions of yoga and includes a relaxation CD, The Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs Manual, worksheets, handouts and props as required and an individually tailored programme of 1-2-1 support.
The course numbers will be limited to ensure appropriate individual attention.