Mudras - Mudra is a term that has many meanings. It is used to signify a gesture of the hands, a seal or even a symbol. A Mudra can be an eye position, a body posture or a breathing technique as well as a hand gesture.
The thumb is said to be the symbol of the cosmic (divine, God) and is also associated with the element of fire. The index finger a symbol of the individual (human) consciousness and is associated with the element of air. When used together, we are expressing a union between us and whatever we believe in.
Mudras can be practiced while seated, lying down, standing and walking. Have the body symmetrical and centered and as relaxed as possible. You can practice mudras at any time and in any place but ideally one when you can be attentive and in a harmonious mood.
Juana Mudra and Chin Mudra
Place tip of thumb on the index fingertip and extend the rest of the fingers
Lay your hand on your thigh in a relaxed way
Do the same with the other hand - this is the receiving position
Fingers pointing up to heaven – Chin Mudra
Fingers pointing to the earth – Juana Mudra
If you have the tip of the index finger touching the first thumb joint – this is the actively giving position
- Two of the best known hand positions
- Effect on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level
- Improves state of mental tension and disorder
- Promotes memory and concentration
- Can be used for insomnia and sleepiness
- Do whenever you want to become centered
Dhyana Mudra
Place both hands like bowls in your lap
Left hand lies in the right hand and thumbs touch each other
This is the classic posture for meditation
Encourages a passive state enabling you to find a state of peace and stillness
- Do whenever meditating/being still